Peer-reviewed publications by topic
Science Communication, (Social) Media, and Public Deliberation
[51] Wang, Y, Shen, Li., & Chen, K. (2024). Fostering accurate reasoning about outgroups: Experimental evidence from intergroup relation priming on conspiracy beliefs amid Sino-U.S. tensions (accepted). Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
[50] Shao, A., Chen, K., Xing, A., Johnson, B., & Shaila, M. Ubiquitous news coverage and its varied effects in communicating protective behaviors to American adults in infectious disease outbreaks: Evidence from a national longitudinal panel survey (accepted). Journal of Medical Internet Research.
[49] Cate, A., Moen, S., & Chen, K. (2024). Bridging digital divide in Wisconsin: An examination of policy efforts and effectiveness over the past five years. Information, Communication & Society. [co-first author]. Online First in November 2024.
[48] Duan, Z., Shao, A., Hu, Yi., Lee, H., Liao, X., Sun, Y., Kim, J., Yang, K., Chen., K., & Yang, S. (2024) Constructing Vec-tionaries to extract message features from texts: A case study of moral appeals (conditionally accepted). Political Analysis.
[47] Lee, N., Chen, K., William, M., & Curtis, B. (2024). Voice and value: How elected officials evaluate online and offline constituent feedback (accepted). Public Opinion Quarterly.
[46] Molder, A., & Villanueva, I., & Chen, K. (2024). The impact of public deliberation and identity-based storytelling on civic empowerment among a marginalized population on environmental justice issues. Environmental Communication, 1-18. [co-first author]
[45] Qian, S., Chen, K., Meng, J., Shen, C., Chen, A., & Zhang, J. Fear in media headlines increases public risk perceptions but decreases preventive behaviors: A multi-country study during the COVID-19 pandemic (accepted). Journal of Health Communication.
[44] Chen, K., Newman, T., & Zhou, Y. (2024). When science meets digital branding: Examining content creators and hyperlinks in climate change YouTube videos from 2015-2019. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 4. [co-first author]
[43] Chen, K., Duan, Z., & Kim, S. (2024). Uncovering gender stereotypes in controversial science discourse: Evidence from computational text and visual analyses across digital platforms. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication , 29(1). [co-first author]
[42] Chen, K., Molder, A., & Villanueva, I. (2024). Uncovering how Black and Latinx communities perceive environmental justice: Integrating a public deliberation quasi-experiment and computational methods. Public Relations Review, 50(2). [co-first author]
[41] Chandrasekaran, A., Currano, B., Sirkin, D., Batool, V., Chen, K., Murnane, E., & Mauriello, M. Therapy for therapists: Design opportunities to support the psychological well-being of mental health workers (forthcoming). Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW).
[40] Chen, K., Shao, A., Burapacheep, J., & Li, Y. (2024). Conversational AI and Equity through Assessing GPT-3’s Communication with Diverse Social Groups on Contentious Topics. Scientific Reports, 14 (1561).
[39] Kim, S., Villanueva, I., & Chen, K. (2023). Beyond affective polarization: How emotional and identity cues are used in anti-vaccination conspiracies on TikTok. Political Communication. [co-first author]. Online First.
[38] Chen, K., Cate, A., & Cheren, H. (2023). Communicating agriculture AI technology: Lessons from empirical examination into American farmers' trust, risk perception, and the likelihood of adopting artificial intelligence in food systems. Environmental Communication. Online First.
[37] Chinn, S., Hiaeshutter-Rice, D., & Chen, K. (2023). How digital science influencers polarize supportive and skeptical communities around politicized science: A cross-platform and over-time comparison. Political Communication. Online First.
[36] Chen, A., Chen, K., Zhang, J., Meng, J., & Shen, C. (2023). When national identity meets conspiracies: the reinforcement loop of identity language on public participation and discourse of COVID19 conspiracies on Weibo. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 28(1), 1-12. [co-first author]
[35] Chen, A., Lu, Y., Chen, K., & Ng, A. (2023). Pandemic nationalism: How exposure to government social media affects people's belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories in China. International Journal of Press/Politics. Online First.
[34] Kim, S., & Chen, K. (2022). How conspiracy and debunking videos use emotions to engage publics on YouTube. New Media & Society. Online First. [co-first author]
[33] Chen, K., Molder, A., Duan, Z., Boulianne, S., Eckart, C., Mallari, P., & Yang, D. (2022). How youth activists and news media frame climate change and strike: Evidence from analyzing Twitter and Newspaper Discourse. International Journal of Press/Politics. Online First.
[32] Chen, K., & Jin, Y. (2022). How issue entrepreneurs shape public discourse of controversial science on social media: A case study of GMO discussion on a popular Chinese Q&A platform. Journal of Science Communication, 21(06), A01. talk link
[31] Chen, K., Jin., Y., & Shao, A. (2022). Science factionalism: How group identity language affects public engagement with misinformation and debunking narratives on a popular Q&A platform in China. Social Media + Society, 8(1), 1-15. link.
[30] Chen, K., & Shaw, B. (2022). Public communication of soil conservation practice: A large-scale content analysis of Wisconsin's agricultural trade publications. Online First in Feb 2022. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.
[29] Wirz, C.D., Cate, A., Brauer, M., Brossard, D., Brown, L.D., Chen, K., Ho, P., Luter, D.G., Madden, H., Schoenborn, S., Shaw, B., Sprinkel, C., Stanley, D., & Sumi, G. (2022). Science Communication during COVID-19: When theory meets best practices and best practices meet reality. Journal of Science Communication, 21(3).
[28] Chen, K., Jeon, J., & Zhou, Y. (2021). A critical appraisal of diversity in digital knowledge production: Segregated inclusion on YouTube. New Media & Society. Ungated, Media Coverage, OnlineFirst.
[27] Chen, K., & Tomblin, D. (2021). Using data from Reddit, Public Deliberation, and Surveys to measure public opinion about autonomous vehicles. Public Opinion Quarterly, 85(S1), 289-322.
[26] Freiling, I., Krause, N.M., Scheufele, D.A. & Chen, K. (2021). The science of open (communication) science: Toward an evidence-driven understanding of quality criteria in communication research. Journal of Communication, 71(5), 855-874.
[25] Chen, K. (2021). How deliberative designs empower citizens’ voices: A case study on Ghana’s Deliberative Poll on agriculture and the environment. Public Understanding of Science, 30(2), 179-195. PDF preprint, video, supplementary
[24] Chen, K. & Burgess, M.M. (2021). Narratives in public deliberation: Empowering gene-editing debate with storytelling. The Hastings Center Report, 51(S2), 85-91.
[23] Wirz, C.D., Shao, A., Bao, L., Monroe, H., Howell, E., & Chen, K. (2021). Media systems and attention cycles: Trends and topics in news coverage of COVID-19 in the U.S. and China. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. OnlineFirst.
[22] Molder, A.L., Lakind, A., Clemmons, Z.E., & Chen, K. (2021). Framing the global youth climate movement: A qualitative content analysis of Greta Thunberg's moral, hopeful and motivational framing on Instagram. The International Journal of Press/Politics. OnlineFirst.
[21] Chen, K., Chen, A., Zhang, J., Meng, J., & Shen, C. (2020). Conspiracy and debunking narratives about COVID-19 origin on Chinese social media: How it started and who is to blame. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review. PDF, op-ed in Conversation
[20] Chen, K., Bao, L., Shao, A., Ho, P., Yang, S., Wirz, C.D., Brossard, D., Brauer, M., & Brown, L.D. (2020). How public perceptions of social distancing evolved over a critical time period: Communication lessons learnt from the American State of Wisconsin. Journal of Science Communication, 19(5). PDF, News Coverage
[19] Lin, M., & Chen, K. (2020). Participation effectiveness of citizen participatory budgeting: The case of Yanjin county in China. Chinese Public Administration Review, 11(1), 6-24. PDF
[18] Boulianne, S., Chen, K., & Kahane, D. (2020). Mobilizing mini-publics: The causal impact of deliberation on civic engagement using panel data. Politics, 40(4), 460-476. PDF
Computational Communication and Digital Crowdsourcing
[17] Chen, K. (2024). Computational methods in Chinese Internet studies -- An overview and looking ahead. Communication and the Public (forthcoming).
[16] Chen, K., Lu, Y. & Wang, Y. (2023). Toward a Socio-Technical Understanding of Digital Trace Research in China. Chinese Journal of Communication. Online First.
[15] Cui, T., Li, S., Chen, K., Bailey, J., & Liu, F. (2023). Designing fair AI systems: Exploring the interaction of explainable AI and Task objectivity on users' fairness perception. Proceedings of the Pacific Asia conference on Information Systems (PACIS). PDF
[14] Chen, K., Kim, S.J., Gao, Q., & Raschka, S. (2022). Visual framing of science conspiracy videos: Integrating machine learning with communication theories to study the use of color and brightness. Computational Communication Research, 4(1), 98-134. PDF
[13] Chen, K., Duan, Z, & Yang, S. (2021). Twitter as research data: Tools, costs, skillsets and lessons learnt. Politics and the Life Sciences. OnlineFirst. Chinese Translated Version
[12] Hou, X., Gao, S., Li, Q., Kang, Y., Chen, N., Chen, K., Rao, J., Ellenberg, J., & Patz, J. (2021). Intra-county modeling of COVID-19 infection with human mobility: Assessing spatial heterogeneity with business traffic, age and race. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 118(24). NSF Award Description, News Coverage.
[11] Ho, P., Chen, K., Shao, A., Bao, L., Ai, A., Tarfa, A., Brauer, K., Brossard, D., & Brown, L.D. (2021). A mixed methods study of public perception about social distancing: Integrating qualitative and computational analyses for text data. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 15(3), 374-397. [co-first author]
[10] Hiaeshutter-Rice, D., Chinn, S., & Chen, K. (2021). Platform effects on alternative influencer content: Understanding how features and affordances shape misinformation online. Frontiers in Political Science, May 31st, 2021.
[9] Meijer, A.J., …Chen, K.,... (2020). The COVID-19-Crisis and the information polity: An overview of responses and discussions in twenty-one countries from six continents. Information Polity, 25(3), 243-274. PDF
[8] Meijer, A. J., Lips, M., & Chen, K. (2019). Open governance of cities: A new paradigm for understanding urban collaboration. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 1(3). PDF, Translated Chinese Version
[7] Chen, K., & Aitamurto, T. (2019). Barriers for crowd’s impact in crowdsourced policymaking: Civic data overload and filter hierarchy. International Public Management Journal, 22(1), 99-126. PDF
[6] Pan, J., & Chen, K. (2018). Concealing corruption: How Chinese officials distort upward reporting of online grievances. American Political Science Review, 112(3), 602-620. [co-first author] PDF
[5] Aitamurto, T., & Chen, K. (2017). The value of crowdsourcing in public policymaking: Epistemic, democratic and economic value. The Theory and Practice of Legislation, 5(1), 55-72. PDF
[4] O’Halloran, S., Maskey, S., McAllister, G., Park, D. K., & Chen, K. (2016). Data science and political economy: Application to financial regulatory structure. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 2(7), 87-109. PDF
[3] Aitamurto, T., Chen, K., Cherif, A., Galli, J. S., & Santana, L. (2016, October). Civic CrowdAnalytics: Making sense of crowdsourced civic input with big data tools. In Proceedings of the 20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, 86-94. PDF
[2] O'Halloran, S., Maskey, S., McAllister, G., Park, D. K., & Chen, K. (2015, August). Big data and the regulation of financial markets. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 1118-1124.
Public Engagement with AI and Immersive Technologies (Human-Computer Interaction)
[1] Aitamurto, T., Boin, J. B., Chen, K., Cherif, A., & Shridhar, S. (2018, July). The impact of augmented reality on art engagement: Liking, impression of learning, and distraction. In International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, 153-171. Springer, Cham. PDF
[51] Wang, Y, Shen, Li., & Chen, K. (2024). Fostering accurate reasoning about outgroups: Experimental evidence from intergroup relation priming on conspiracy beliefs amid Sino-U.S. tensions (accepted). Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
[50] Shao, A., Chen, K., Xing, A., Johnson, B., & Shaila, M. Ubiquitous news coverage and its varied effects in communicating protective behaviors to American adults in infectious disease outbreaks: Evidence from a national longitudinal panel survey (accepted). Journal of Medical Internet Research.
[49] Cate, A., Moen, S., & Chen, K. (2024). Bridging digital divide in Wisconsin: An examination of policy efforts and effectiveness over the past five years. Information, Communication & Society. [co-first author]. Online First in November 2024.
[48] Duan, Z., Shao, A., Hu, Yi., Lee, H., Liao, X., Sun, Y., Kim, J., Yang, K., Chen., K., & Yang, S. (2024) Constructing Vec-tionaries to extract message features from texts: A case study of moral appeals (conditionally accepted). Political Analysis.
[47] Lee, N., Chen, K., William, M., & Curtis, B. (2024). Voice and value: How elected officials evaluate online and offline constituent feedback (accepted). Public Opinion Quarterly.
[46] Molder, A., & Villanueva, I., & Chen, K. (2024). The impact of public deliberation and identity-based storytelling on civic empowerment among a marginalized population on environmental justice issues. Environmental Communication, 1-18. [co-first author]
[45] Qian, S., Chen, K., Meng, J., Shen, C., Chen, A., & Zhang, J. Fear in media headlines increases public risk perceptions but decreases preventive behaviors: A multi-country study during the COVID-19 pandemic (accepted). Journal of Health Communication.
[44] Chen, K., Newman, T., & Zhou, Y. (2024). When science meets digital branding: Examining content creators and hyperlinks in climate change YouTube videos from 2015-2019. Journal of Quantitative Description: Digital Media, 4. [co-first author]
[43] Chen, K., Duan, Z., & Kim, S. (2024). Uncovering gender stereotypes in controversial science discourse: Evidence from computational text and visual analyses across digital platforms. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication , 29(1). [co-first author]
[42] Chen, K., Molder, A., & Villanueva, I. (2024). Uncovering how Black and Latinx communities perceive environmental justice: Integrating a public deliberation quasi-experiment and computational methods. Public Relations Review, 50(2). [co-first author]
[41] Chandrasekaran, A., Currano, B., Sirkin, D., Batool, V., Chen, K., Murnane, E., & Mauriello, M. Therapy for therapists: Design opportunities to support the psychological well-being of mental health workers (forthcoming). Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW).
[40] Chen, K., Shao, A., Burapacheep, J., & Li, Y. (2024). Conversational AI and Equity through Assessing GPT-3’s Communication with Diverse Social Groups on Contentious Topics. Scientific Reports, 14 (1561).
[39] Kim, S., Villanueva, I., & Chen, K. (2023). Beyond affective polarization: How emotional and identity cues are used in anti-vaccination conspiracies on TikTok. Political Communication. [co-first author]. Online First.
[38] Chen, K., Cate, A., & Cheren, H. (2023). Communicating agriculture AI technology: Lessons from empirical examination into American farmers' trust, risk perception, and the likelihood of adopting artificial intelligence in food systems. Environmental Communication. Online First.
[37] Chinn, S., Hiaeshutter-Rice, D., & Chen, K. (2023). How digital science influencers polarize supportive and skeptical communities around politicized science: A cross-platform and over-time comparison. Political Communication. Online First.
[36] Chen, A., Chen, K., Zhang, J., Meng, J., & Shen, C. (2023). When national identity meets conspiracies: the reinforcement loop of identity language on public participation and discourse of COVID19 conspiracies on Weibo. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 28(1), 1-12. [co-first author]
[35] Chen, A., Lu, Y., Chen, K., & Ng, A. (2023). Pandemic nationalism: How exposure to government social media affects people's belief in COVID-19 conspiracy theories in China. International Journal of Press/Politics. Online First.
[34] Kim, S., & Chen, K. (2022). How conspiracy and debunking videos use emotions to engage publics on YouTube. New Media & Society. Online First. [co-first author]
[33] Chen, K., Molder, A., Duan, Z., Boulianne, S., Eckart, C., Mallari, P., & Yang, D. (2022). How youth activists and news media frame climate change and strike: Evidence from analyzing Twitter and Newspaper Discourse. International Journal of Press/Politics. Online First.
[32] Chen, K., & Jin, Y. (2022). How issue entrepreneurs shape public discourse of controversial science on social media: A case study of GMO discussion on a popular Chinese Q&A platform. Journal of Science Communication, 21(06), A01. talk link
[31] Chen, K., Jin., Y., & Shao, A. (2022). Science factionalism: How group identity language affects public engagement with misinformation and debunking narratives on a popular Q&A platform in China. Social Media + Society, 8(1), 1-15. link.
[30] Chen, K., & Shaw, B. (2022). Public communication of soil conservation practice: A large-scale content analysis of Wisconsin's agricultural trade publications. Online First in Feb 2022. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.
[29] Wirz, C.D., Cate, A., Brauer, M., Brossard, D., Brown, L.D., Chen, K., Ho, P., Luter, D.G., Madden, H., Schoenborn, S., Shaw, B., Sprinkel, C., Stanley, D., & Sumi, G. (2022). Science Communication during COVID-19: When theory meets best practices and best practices meet reality. Journal of Science Communication, 21(3).
[28] Chen, K., Jeon, J., & Zhou, Y. (2021). A critical appraisal of diversity in digital knowledge production: Segregated inclusion on YouTube. New Media & Society. Ungated, Media Coverage, OnlineFirst.
[27] Chen, K., & Tomblin, D. (2021). Using data from Reddit, Public Deliberation, and Surveys to measure public opinion about autonomous vehicles. Public Opinion Quarterly, 85(S1), 289-322.
[26] Freiling, I., Krause, N.M., Scheufele, D.A. & Chen, K. (2021). The science of open (communication) science: Toward an evidence-driven understanding of quality criteria in communication research. Journal of Communication, 71(5), 855-874.
[25] Chen, K. (2021). How deliberative designs empower citizens’ voices: A case study on Ghana’s Deliberative Poll on agriculture and the environment. Public Understanding of Science, 30(2), 179-195. PDF preprint, video, supplementary
[24] Chen, K. & Burgess, M.M. (2021). Narratives in public deliberation: Empowering gene-editing debate with storytelling. The Hastings Center Report, 51(S2), 85-91.
[23] Wirz, C.D., Shao, A., Bao, L., Monroe, H., Howell, E., & Chen, K. (2021). Media systems and attention cycles: Trends and topics in news coverage of COVID-19 in the U.S. and China. Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly. OnlineFirst.
- Covered by Nieman Journalism Lab
[22] Molder, A.L., Lakind, A., Clemmons, Z.E., & Chen, K. (2021). Framing the global youth climate movement: A qualitative content analysis of Greta Thunberg's moral, hopeful and motivational framing on Instagram. The International Journal of Press/Politics. OnlineFirst.
[21] Chen, K., Chen, A., Zhang, J., Meng, J., & Shen, C. (2020). Conspiracy and debunking narratives about COVID-19 origin on Chinese social media: How it started and who is to blame. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review. PDF, op-ed in Conversation
- Covered by Nieman Journalism Lab, Channel News Asia, Snopes, Fast Company
[20] Chen, K., Bao, L., Shao, A., Ho, P., Yang, S., Wirz, C.D., Brossard, D., Brauer, M., & Brown, L.D. (2020). How public perceptions of social distancing evolved over a critical time period: Communication lessons learnt from the American State of Wisconsin. Journal of Science Communication, 19(5). PDF, News Coverage
[19] Lin, M., & Chen, K. (2020). Participation effectiveness of citizen participatory budgeting: The case of Yanjin county in China. Chinese Public Administration Review, 11(1), 6-24. PDF
[18] Boulianne, S., Chen, K., & Kahane, D. (2020). Mobilizing mini-publics: The causal impact of deliberation on civic engagement using panel data. Politics, 40(4), 460-476. PDF
Computational Communication and Digital Crowdsourcing
[17] Chen, K. (2024). Computational methods in Chinese Internet studies -- An overview and looking ahead. Communication and the Public (forthcoming).
[16] Chen, K., Lu, Y. & Wang, Y. (2023). Toward a Socio-Technical Understanding of Digital Trace Research in China. Chinese Journal of Communication. Online First.
[15] Cui, T., Li, S., Chen, K., Bailey, J., & Liu, F. (2023). Designing fair AI systems: Exploring the interaction of explainable AI and Task objectivity on users' fairness perception. Proceedings of the Pacific Asia conference on Information Systems (PACIS). PDF
[14] Chen, K., Kim, S.J., Gao, Q., & Raschka, S. (2022). Visual framing of science conspiracy videos: Integrating machine learning with communication theories to study the use of color and brightness. Computational Communication Research, 4(1), 98-134. PDF
[13] Chen, K., Duan, Z, & Yang, S. (2021). Twitter as research data: Tools, costs, skillsets and lessons learnt. Politics and the Life Sciences. OnlineFirst. Chinese Translated Version
[12] Hou, X., Gao, S., Li, Q., Kang, Y., Chen, N., Chen, K., Rao, J., Ellenberg, J., & Patz, J. (2021). Intra-county modeling of COVID-19 infection with human mobility: Assessing spatial heterogeneity with business traffic, age and race. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 118(24). NSF Award Description, News Coverage.
[11] Ho, P., Chen, K., Shao, A., Bao, L., Ai, A., Tarfa, A., Brauer, K., Brossard, D., & Brown, L.D. (2021). A mixed methods study of public perception about social distancing: Integrating qualitative and computational analyses for text data. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 15(3), 374-397. [co-first author]
[10] Hiaeshutter-Rice, D., Chinn, S., & Chen, K. (2021). Platform effects on alternative influencer content: Understanding how features and affordances shape misinformation online. Frontiers in Political Science, May 31st, 2021.
[9] Meijer, A.J., …Chen, K.,... (2020). The COVID-19-Crisis and the information polity: An overview of responses and discussions in twenty-one countries from six continents. Information Polity, 25(3), 243-274. PDF
[8] Meijer, A. J., Lips, M., & Chen, K. (2019). Open governance of cities: A new paradigm for understanding urban collaboration. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 1(3). PDF, Translated Chinese Version
[7] Chen, K., & Aitamurto, T. (2019). Barriers for crowd’s impact in crowdsourced policymaking: Civic data overload and filter hierarchy. International Public Management Journal, 22(1), 99-126. PDF
[6] Pan, J., & Chen, K. (2018). Concealing corruption: How Chinese officials distort upward reporting of online grievances. American Political Science Review, 112(3), 602-620. [co-first author] PDF
[5] Aitamurto, T., & Chen, K. (2017). The value of crowdsourcing in public policymaking: Epistemic, democratic and economic value. The Theory and Practice of Legislation, 5(1), 55-72. PDF
[4] O’Halloran, S., Maskey, S., McAllister, G., Park, D. K., & Chen, K. (2016). Data science and political economy: Application to financial regulatory structure. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 2(7), 87-109. PDF
[3] Aitamurto, T., Chen, K., Cherif, A., Galli, J. S., & Santana, L. (2016, October). Civic CrowdAnalytics: Making sense of crowdsourced civic input with big data tools. In Proceedings of the 20th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, 86-94. PDF
[2] O'Halloran, S., Maskey, S., McAllister, G., Park, D. K., & Chen, K. (2015, August). Big data and the regulation of financial markets. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 1118-1124.
Public Engagement with AI and Immersive Technologies (Human-Computer Interaction)
[1] Aitamurto, T., Boin, J. B., Chen, K., Cherif, A., & Shridhar, S. (2018, July). The impact of augmented reality on art engagement: Liking, impression of learning, and distraction. In International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, 153-171. Springer, Cham. PDF
Under Review
Mede, N., Villanueva, I., & Chen, K. Communicating scientific norms in the hybrid media environment: A mixed-method analysis of social media discourse and engagement with Retraction Watch on Twitter (revise and resubmit). Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly.
Jackson, C., Smith, K., Black, C., Chunduru, N., & Chen, K. Coupling in-person deliberation and crowdsourcing to amplify and engage communities in policy deliberation (revised and resubmitted). Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW).
Shen, Li., Sun, Y., Sun, L, Chuang, Y., & Chen, K. When collective narcissism meets “Stop The Steal”: How collective narcissism expressions became contagious in public conversations on X (minor revision). New Media & Society.
Shi, G., Chen, K., Ni, C., Niu, X., & Liu, H. Social justice in your name?! (under review).
Jackson, C., Smith, K., Black, C., Chunduru, N., & Chen, K. Coupling in-person deliberation and crowdsourcing to amplify and engage communities in policy deliberation (revised and resubmitted). Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW).
Shen, Li., Sun, Y., Sun, L, Chuang, Y., & Chen, K. When collective narcissism meets “Stop The Steal”: How collective narcissism expressions became contagious in public conversations on X (minor revision). New Media & Society.
Shi, G., Chen, K., Ni, C., Niu, X., & Liu, H. Social justice in your name?! (under review).
Working Papers
Luo, S., Kim, S., Duan, Z., & Chen, K. A sociotechnical lens for evaluating computer vision models: A case study on detecting and reasoning about gender and emotion.
Chen, K., & Chen, A. Revealed geographies: How China's IP location disclosure policy on Weibo influences nationalism discourse during the COIVD-19 pandemic.
Chen, K., Shao, A., & Jin, Y. I am better than you: How nationalism strengthens science misperception. Preprint, talk link
Kim, Y., Chen, K., Brandsma, E., Hall, E., Zheng, Z., Korney, M., & Heinrich, R. (2023). Election fraud and extremism on social media platforms.
Chen, K. & Jee, H. Authoritarian responsiveness and competition over the spoils of patronage.
Chen, K., & Chen, A. Revealed geographies: How China's IP location disclosure policy on Weibo influences nationalism discourse during the COIVD-19 pandemic.
Chen, K., Shao, A., & Jin, Y. I am better than you: How nationalism strengthens science misperception. Preprint, talk link
Kim, Y., Chen, K., Brandsma, E., Hall, E., Zheng, Z., Korney, M., & Heinrich, R. (2023). Election fraud and extremism on social media platforms.
Chen, K. & Jee, H. Authoritarian responsiveness and competition over the spoils of patronage.